The 40+ project was first launched in Oct 2017 as a trial and teaser for the more elder members of the community. The idea was to ensure the senior vets who have played in the 35+ competitions but no longer able to compete with the more energetic players were still enganged. When players reach 40, they find it tough competing with new and young 35+ players. For a lot of the 40+, the 35+ platofmr is no longer enjoyable and the 40+ platform is the natural progression for them..
Since the project was announced, the interest to particiapte has been surprisingly popular. However, with limited facilities available the maximum number of teams in the inaugural competition that could be accommodated was 7 teams.
When the league was luanched, to peoples suprise, the players skills and pace and the entertainment level was off the scales. ILFL was also suprised by the fact that these 40+ players could still yet prove to be formidable players. As players from the 35+ leagues move on the demand for this comeptition will grow which will naturally lead to separate competitions for the 45+ on so on.
This project, just like the 35+ proved to be yet another of ILFL's innovative launches and so far has proven to be a hugely successful platform.
Inner London Football League
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